Custom Buttons in R DT Tables

The R DT package is my go-to way to create tables in R Shiny or Dashboard applications. It comes with many built-in functionalities like sorting, several styling options and predefined buttons that let’s you export and print data. One of the features I am not so crazy about is the filtering functionality, so I have been looking into creating a custom button which filters the table based on some defined criterion.

In the code below we create two custom buttons. Button Filter filters the first column of mtcars for the value Mazda RX4; a second button Restore undoes our filtering. To define the behavior of a custom button we need to dig a little bit into the JavaScript functionality which DT is originally based on. The original JavaScript documentation guides us through how the filtering works.

Two thins to point out: JavaScript uses zero-based numbering instead of the one-based you may be used to by R (we want data[0] to be equal to Mazda RX4). The DT::JS function let’s use evaluate JavaScript code as the action of our button click.


          extensions = 'Buttons',
          options = list(
            dom = 'Bfrtip',
            buttons = list(
                extend = 'collection',
                text = 'Filter',
                action = DT::JS("function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
                                      function( settings, data, dataIndex ) {
                                         return data[0] == 'Mazda RX4'
                extend = 'collection',
                text = 'Restore',
                action = DT::JS("function ( e, dt, node, config ) {